Enabling a Trusted Health Data Research Environment

DASSL report launched

17 October 2023

The HRB launch the final report from the HRB-funded award Proof of Concept: Technical Prototype for Data Access, Storage, Sharing and Linkage (DASSL) to support research and innovation in Ireland.  This was led by Dr. Simon Wong, Principal Investigator, Irish Centre for High End Computing (ICHEC).

The event also aimed to engage key stakeholders such as government departments, state agencies, research performing organisations, members of the health research community and industry with updates on health data research developments nationally and at European levels.

Speakers and presentations

The event commenced with a keynote address from Markus Kalliola of the EU joint Action Towards European Health Data Space (TEHDAS). Markus outlined provisional plans for TEHDAS II and Ireland’s opportunities for engagement. This was followed by the formal launch of DASSL PoC by both Dr. Simon Wong and Dr. Orna Fennelly who outlined their findings and key recommendations from the project.

Dr. Sarah Gibney of the Department of Health, Health Information Policy Unit then provided an update on national policy and legislation within the area, appealing for further engagement with the audience going forward for future developments. The morning session closed with a presentation from the Health Service Executive on their digital health records update and other initiatives including the individual health identifier project roll out.

Dr Frances Burns-HSC Northern Ireland Trusted Research Environment (TRE) opened the afternoon session with perspectives on operating a TRE. Dr. Sharon Kappala, HRB Programme Officer discussed the HRB’s activities and support for “Management and Sharing of Health Research Data” and was followed by two HRB Secondary Data Analysis Projects Awardees who shared their experiences. Both highlighted the growing importance of the SDAP scheme. All talks are provided below in original or amended format with speakers’ permission.

Download presentations

Download DASSL related reports

Further information

As this is a key, complex area with national and international developments in progress which potentially have significant national impacts for health researchers and infrastructures, the HRB will continue to work with the Department of Health to mobilise engagement with the community. We envisage further update meetings and engagement throughout 2024 and beyond to support the community.

For any queries or questions in relation to this event or future engagements, please contact:

Dr.Sharon Kappala, Programme Officer e skappala@hrb.ie

<- Background information on the DASSL project