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Protection of the human digestive system from micro(nano)plastic contamination

Micro(nano)plastic (tiny particles of plastic) pollution is a growing public health crisis with significant implications for human well-being. MNP in our environment, including water sources, food, and even the air we breathe, raises concerns about human exposure. Furthermore, microplastics can have physical effects on human health. When ingested, these tiny particles can potentially accumulate in tissues and organs, causing inflammation, oxidative stress, and cellular damage. While previous research has focused on human exposure and health impacts, we still lack knowledge about how micro(nano)plastics interact with food during digestion and cooking processes. This knowledge gap limits our ability to understand and minimize the negative effects on our gut and the uptake of micro(nano)plastics into our bodies.
To address this gap, our research proposes an innovative approach using advanced in vitro digestion systems and cutting edge imaging technologies. We aim to answer two main research questions: (1) How do microplastics behave in different types of food, and what factors influence their uptake by the human digestive system? (2) How do different cooking methods affect microplastics, and which methods can be used to minimize their uptake? To achieve these goals, our project has specific objectives, including selecting food ingredients that can reduce MNP uptake by humans, studying the impact of
digested microplastics on the microbial community and investigating the effects of various cooking methods on
micro(nano)plastic uptake. The outcomes of our research will provide recommendations to the public on reducing micro(nano)plastic ingestion and minimizing their adverse effects on human health. By promoting further research on microplastic-related health risks and
mitigation strategies, we empower individuals to make informed choices about their diet and cooking habits, thus reducing
their intake of micro(nano)plastics. In the long term, our work may contribute to reducing the burden on healthcare systems
by addressing potential health conditions related to microplastic exposure.