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Psychosis in the Theatre

This project is about enhancing our public patient involvement (PPI) activities within our Clinical Doctoral Award (CDA) programme by using the Arts to give voice to and tell the story of the collective of people who are affected by psychosis. Our CDA, PSI-STAR (Psychosis Ireland Structured Training and Research Programme) includes experts through lived experience, their families and carers, clinicians, researchers and people who work in theatre and the Arts. This activity support public and patient involvement (PPI) in our research study, which is focused on psychosis.
Specifically, we plan to work with the innovative theatre company Brokentalkers ( to facilitate a series of workshops and conversations with people involved in our research: our researchers, our PPI partners and the cross-disciplinary clinicians involved in this study. This will be facilitated by Brokentalkers, whose method is founded on a collaborative process that draws on the skills and experiences of a large and diverse group of contributors from different disciplines and backgrounds from both within and outside of the world of theatre. In this case, we will work with Brokentalkers to listen to and draw on the multiple, unique and deeply subjective experiences of psychosis from those who participate in this creative process.
Through this process, Brokentalkers will develop a piece of work (theatre/film/audio visual installation /other) that captures and tells the dynamic story of the experience of psychosis, drawing on the multiple perspectives of those who take part. As this is an inductive creative process, the final work will emerge from and in response to the collaborative process of this project. The aim of the project is to develop a piece of work that is both authentic and compelling, that brings you into the world of psychosis, and that prompt empathy and discourse about this complex human experience.