Women who are pregnant have a higher chance of developing blood clots (thrombosis) that can cause serious ill-health and can be fatal.
Therefore, it is incredibly important that women who are pregnant, women of childbearing age and their families are aware of their risk factors for thrombosis in pregnancy.
In the HRB-funded “HIGHLOW” study, doctors in Ireland and in other countries have joined together to perform a large study aimed at improving care for women with previous blood clots who are pregnant by evaluating the best prevention measures (comparing two doses of a blood thinner) for these women.
We now plan to collaborate with a larger Hospital-Group/National Thrombosis awareness campaign led by the Applicant to raise awareness of dangerous blood clots in pregnancy and of this incredibly important study amongst Irish women and their families. We will achieve this by:
Launching an intensive media campaign, ensuring that women who are pregnant/of childbearing age and their families are aware of their risk factors for thrombosis in pregnancy, in partnership with the patient-organization Thrombosis Ireland
Establishing a dedicated twitter account that will disseminate breaking news from the Highlow study and share exciting new data regarding thrombosis in pregnancy
Organizing a “meet the researcher” event
Partnering with the Ireland-East-Hospital-Group to run a roadshow aimed at increasing awareness of thrombosis in pregnancy during the year leading up to World Thrombosis Day 2019
This proposal has the potential to protect the lives and health of our pregnant mothers in Ireland.