A beneficial role for omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) or fish oils in the treatment of depression has been noted in several treatment trials in recent years. In addition, when these trials have been combined together statistically and analysed (meta-analysis) the beneficial effects of EFA treatment for depression have also been demonstrated. However, this has not been a consistent finding.
Furthermore, trials included in these meta-analyses have differed from each other in several factors including the formulation of the EFA, the level of depression in patients and the duration of the trial. One method of ascertaining if these factors are influencing results is by attaining individual patient data from the research groups who have conducted the original trials. One can then control for differences between research centres and conduct an analysis called a mega-analysis.
We have contacted 38 international research groups for their individual patient data and aim to have such data available within the next 3 months. Previous studies in our department has resulted in greater than 50% of international groups participating. We aim to ascertain if certain formulations of EFAs have greater antidepressant efficacy, if depression severity is associated with treatment response and if duration of treatment with EFAs is associated with antidepressant efficacy.
Data checking and analysis will take approximately six weeks with study write up taking approximately 2 weeks.