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Expert forum to advance the potential of IL-1 family members as novel therapeutics in IBD

Current treatment strategies for Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, are ineffective in a large number of patients. Although the reasons for this are not fully understood, it seems likely to reflect the complex nature of chronic intestinal inflammation. Recent advances in our understanding of how health and disease in the human gut is regulated, have identified a subset of proteins, known as the IL-1 family, as playing a centrally important part in this process. Different IL-1 family members have been described to play complex, and often contrasting, roles in either driving the progression of IBD, or potentially promoting the maintenance of intestinal health. Such observations highlight the potential of this family of proteins as novel targets for therapeutic intervention in the setting of IBD. In an effort to expedite international efforts to exploit the potential of these proteins as new drug targets, we will bring together leading Irish and international experts from scientific, clinical and pharmaceutical development backgrounds alongside representatives of patient bodies, in a multidisciplinary forum to evaluate the state of the art in the field. The objective of this forum will be to identify and outline measures to be undertaken to effectively translate emerging cutting edge preclinical discoveries towards the development of a new generation of therapies which will have a significant beneficial impact on IBD patient outcomes in the clinic.