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Investigation of a range of biomaterial hydrogels as potential vitreous substitutes

Since 2015 and the advent of thrombectomies, the removal of thrombi has proved to be an innovative treatment for acute ischaemic stroke (AIS). Strokes account for 2% of deaths in Ireland every year. Given this the success of thrombectomies are vitally important. Various factors during these procedures can affect its outcome. These include the different approaches to the thrombi, its site of occlusion and the type of anaesthetic use. The composition of thrombi or emboli may also affect the success chance.
In this project, I hope to explore what connections may exist between modifiable and non-modifiable procedural factors and the success of thrombectomies. Some examples of the modifiable factors include whether it was combined with thrombolysis treatment, the use of aspiration catheters or stentriever or even the specific device of each. Using statistical analysis, I will try to find evidence of connections between the success chance of the procedure and these factors. I hope to find modifiable factors in the course of thrombectomy procedure that may be targeted to improve treatment outcomes.