Community water fluoridation was introduced in Ireland to reduce dental caries in 1964, and though the benefit to dental health is recognised, the effect on general health has not been examined in detail. Systematic reviews have highlighted the need for high quality, up-to-date data on which to base future health policy regarding water fluoridation. It is important to monitor the risks and benefits of this public health measure in the Irish population, which is changing rapidly with regards to age profile and the retention of natural teeth. This project will examine any associations between lifetime exposure to fluoridated water and key indicators of general health in a representative sample of community-dwelling adults aged 50 years and over, participating in the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA). In Wave 3 of TILDA, participants completed a detailed interview and objective assessment of physical and cognitive function, in addition to providing current and previous residential addresses. These addresses will be mapped and it will be determined if there was a fluoridated water supply at that address during the period that participants lived there. For each participant the lifetime exposure to fluoridated water will be estimated. Associations between lifetime exposure and conditions that are claimed to be exacerbated by water fluoridation will be examined (osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, reduced cognitive function and hypothyroidism). This project will provide much needed information on the association between any potential health effects and prolonged exposure to community water fluoridation, thus adding evidence-based data to inform public debate and the developing National Oral Health Policy regarding water fluoridation. The mapping component of the project will establish a unique and detailed resource which will form the basis of future research projects, including the associations between water fluoridation and longitudinal changes in oral health, general health and cognitive function.