Ireland’s healthcare system is currently in transition as it endeavours to provide universal integrated healthcare which is primary care-centred with an emphasis on care in the community and an integrated system to cater for patients at all stages of life from prevention of disease, to diagnosis, and disease management 1. Previous research in Ireland has identified the primary-secondary care interface as a problem area. The Delphi consensus technique is a survey method designed to obtain the opinions of a group of experts on a specific topic. This study aims to obtain the opinions of GPs on the topic of GP-hospital interface using a Delphi consensus survey.
An online Delphi consensus survey informed by a recent scoping review on the topic 2 will be conducted with a sample of GPs that are located in the Ireland East Hospital Group region. GPs who have expressed an interest in participating will be asked to complete an online Delphi survey on general practitioner perceptions of the GP-hospital interface.
Anticipated Results
The findings from this study will highlight key components and outcome measures necessary for a study instrument for use in an empirical study to examine the GP / Hospital Interface.