It is proposed that CAI and HRB will establish an Anaesthesiology Specialty Fund to provide financial support for successful applications from trainees on the national anaesthesiology training programme through the ICAT programme. The ICAT programme provides a platform for integrated clinician scientist training ( through successful collaboration between Universities, HSE National Doctors Training and Planning (NDTP), Public Health Agency Health and Social Care (PHA HSC) and medical training bodies across the island of Ireland. The programme is funded by HRB and Wellcome with additional leveraged funding from medical schools and HSE-NDTP and QUB. To date the programme has successfully recruited three cohorts with a total of 22 fellows and the fourth intake of additional six fellows will start in July 2020.
It is envisaged that candidates from the Anaesthesiology training programme applying to the ICAT programme who are deemed fundable based on the existing ICAT review system but who cannot receive funding from ICAT from within existing resources, could avail of this specialty fund. Applications to join ICAT’s fifth annual cohort will open in August 2020 and successful candidates will enter the programme in July 2021.