The EOLAS programmes are information and learning programmes for people with experience of psychosis and their family members. The programmes have been co-produced and are co-delivered by peer and clinician facilitators in partnership with mental health clinicians. Such service user and family member involvement in the design and delivery of mental health services is internationally recommended. However, lack of familiarity amongst the general public of how this actually works in practice may limit its growth and successful implementation. This project will use photovoice to present user-friendly knowledge to the general public about service user and family member experiences of involvement in the EOLAS programmes. The process of photovoice includes taking photographs, reflectively discussing the images and writing explanatory descriptions about them.
6 service user and 6 family member EOLAS facilitators will be asked take photographs which capture: 1) their experiences of doing the EOLAS programme; 2) their opinions about working in partnership with mental health clinicians and; 3) the long-term impact facilitating EOLAS has had on their lives. An exhibition displaying their photographs will be organised and will tour six different locations across Ireland. At each exhibition location, an event launch, promotional activities with local media outlets and organised tours of the exhibition will be conducted for local community groups. An electronic photobook of the images will also be created for those unable to attend the exhibition. A moderated tweet chat will be run alongside the launch of the electronic photobook to create discussion amongst the online community.