We are a group of neuroscientists, funded by the HRB, who aim to test and develop novel drugs for brain related illnesses. We are excited about disseminating the value of work like ours and, in 2012, were delighted to be awarded our first HRB Knowledge Exchange and Dissemination Scheme (KEDS), which consisted of three activities including (1) a Neurology conference that brought together scientists and doctors to discuss brain-related illnesses, (2) an ‘Animation Competition’ asking computer and science students to create videos describing brain diseases; and (3) a ‘Brain Superhero Competition’ asking school pupils to design brain superhero characters. Based upon the success of these projects, in 2015, we received a second KEDS grant that also consisted of three elements, namely, (1) a ‘Drug Development Workshop’ to train people the processes of drug development, (2) a follow-up Neurology meeting and (3) our second school drawing competition called, ‘Brain Superhero Returns’. In the current 2017 KEDS award we hope to gain support to run our 7th Neurology conference. This year we hope to attract a further number of international speakers for our conference. We also hope to run our third school competition this time named ‘Brain Superheroes and Villains’. We hope to have entries from schools across Ireland and select winning schools from each county. With the funds awarded we will be able to offer the winning schools educational scientific equipment that will help nurture the value of science in young students. (Please see www.frontiersneurology.com).