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Supporting human rights in health and social care

HIQA is developing national guidance on a human rights-based approach to care and support in health and social care services, based on a thorough review of the evidence and comprehensive stakeholder engagement. A human rights-based approach ensures that service-users’ human rights are protected, promoted and supported. By using a human rights-based approach, service providers will improve the quality of care, quality of life, and safety of people who use health and social care services.
We propose to host a national conference in Dublin in 2020 to present the evidence-base underpinning this guidance and launch the support tools developed to implement the evidence into practice.
This public-facing conference will bring together service providers, service-users, advocates, public representatives, regulators, policymakers, clinicians and academics, to share their knowledge of using a human rights-based approach to improve care, bringing different perspectives together to achieve a common goal. There has been a significant interest in this guidance, with a sizable 75 submissions received at public consultation.
The conference objectives are to:
Promote adoption and support implementation of a human rights-based approach in health and social care services.
Provide a forum for the research community to identify areas where there is a knowledge deficit and identify research solutions.
Human rights are about people being treated with fairness, respect, equality and dignity, and participating as fully as possible in decisions about their care. The use of a human rights-based approach across all Irish health and social care services will impact the quality and person-centeredness of our care.