The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) was established in 2006 with baseline data collection commencing in 2009. TILDA collects data in a series of data collection waves. The data is collected through a computer-assisted personal interview and a self-completion questionnaire once every two years with a comprehensive health assessment once every four to six years. TILDA is now in Wave 5 of data collection (2018). The data is accessible to all stakeholders through two systems: through the publicly archived dataset and through the hot desk facility at Trinity College Dublin. The active grant does not fund support for users on how to use and navigate the dataset. Therefore use of the dataset requires that the user is familiar with complex datasets or has access to expert support.
To address this barrier, funding through KEDS will enable TILDA to develop and webinar series and a seminar series with hands-on workshops to teach a range of audiences the necessary skills to understand and use the dataset. The webinars and seminars will cover a range of topics from what is in the dataset to advanced data analytics.
Provision of education tools and training for both basic and advanced users will expand the use of TILDA data by opening research opportunities to a boarder audience including policy makers, healthcare professionals, and government agencies, as well as national and international academic researchers.