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An exploration of systems science and systems thinking for addressing non-communicable disease prevention and health promotion, with a specific emphasis on physical activity

Over the last 12 months researchers, policy-makers and practitioners in physical activity have been working together to establish Ireland’s first Physical Activity Research Collaboration ( The purpose of this collaboration is to make better use of evidence-based programes or initiatives that employ effective delivery methods located within supportive environments for improving physical activity levels in the Irish population. We have been researching how to evaluate PA programmes for effectiveness, and developing our understanding of the factors that enable effective implementation of these programmes. Our research is funded by a HRB Applied Partnership Award. However, recently we have learned of a gap in our knowledge and skills. This gap is in our understanding of the system within which PA operates in Ireland, essentially the ‘supportive environment’ element of our purpose. We believe that systems science and systems thinking can help to bridge this gap, and that by understanding a systems-based approach we will more fully realise the potential of the I-PARC partnership, and achieve greater impact on PA in Ireland.
This workshop will address our knowledge and skills gap and build capacity amongst researchers, policy makers and practitioners on system components and the dynamic relationships that exist at multiple levels in order to promote PA. This workshop will use systems-based tools and data from PA programmes to map the PA system. We will engage participants who receive these PA programmes, so that we can hear their experience of what works well and what needs improvement within the current system.