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Baby Steps Towards STRIDER: Support, Website, Information, Dissemination, Exchange

This outreach programme will provide a dedicated public information and education resources on intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and the STRIDER clinical trial, which aims to improve outcomes of pregnancies affected by IUGR with sildenafil citrate (Viagra).
It will provide support to women and their partners experiencing IUGR by providing clear and understandable information, FAQs and testimonies coupled with in-person information and support evenings on IUGR hosted by STRIDER clinicians. Education sessions and webinars on the STRIDER trial will be delivered in Cork and Dublin engaging midwives, clinicians, pharmacists and other hospital staff enhancing their understanding of STRIDER and the role they play in recruiting/supporting patients on clinical trials. An event will be hosted on International Clinical Trials Day 2016 linking with other HRB funded programmes to promote trials in pregnancy.
A national CPD-accredited Perinatal Research Study Day aimed at healthcare professionals and students will feature talks and workshops by the international expert members of STRIDER Individual Participant Data (IPD). It will update on trends in perinatal research, encourage increased collaboration and showcase clinical trials. The research module (PowerTrials) of the newly introduced National electronic maternity chart will be demonstrated highlighting its potential in aiding recruitment and data collection in clinical trials.
This programme will benefit patient families and healthcare professionals by addressing the lack of accessible, clear information about early-onset severe IUGR and perinatal clinical trials. It will provide accurate information for the media who have already engaged interest with headlines such as “Why are these pregnant women taking Viagra?”