Exercise prescription is a significant area of interest amongst physiotherapy clinicians and researchers with regular debate on the “best” or “most effective” exercise prescription for clinical cohorts. Physiotherapists are considered “exercise prescription experts”, however, research has indicated that up to 50% of clinicians in Ireland and across the globe rate their ability to prescribe exercise effectively and correctly as limited, with up to 79% of them suggesting that scheduling, access to equipment and professional development opportunities as the main reasons affecting such (Barton et al 2021). Research in Ireland in 2012 on the design of physiotherapy undergraduate curricula demonstrated that PA and exercise prescription and promotion is routinely covered, however further reassessment on the emphasis placed on PA (physical activity) and exercise for public health, strategies for behaviour change & exercise for lifestyle related diseases was required (O’Donoghue et al 2012). It is unclear if any of this has occurred, or if physiotherapists have addressed their CPD needs in regards to exercise prescription. Aims:
The aim of this research is to undertake a qualitative investigation of key stakeholders in the teaching and implementation of exercise prescription in physiotherapy settings (academic/researchers, practice education staff and clinicians), to ascertain what barriers exist for physiotherapists in exercise prescription, and how this affects both clinical practice and undergraduate physiotherapy education. This will be conducted via a semi-structured interview with research experts and focus groups with clinicians and clinical education staff to get a well-rounded view of the various views.
It is hypothesised that there are several factors which influence exercise prescription teaching and implementation. Also, that there will be a disparity between the views from a research/academic setting and what happens clinically. It is also expected that practical outcomes will be developed which can be implemented both at HEI level and clinically.