This CHErIsH-KEDS application has two aims: to increase capacity in translation of research into practice in Ireland and to develop a knowledge exchange strategy for the future roll out of CHErIsH across different settings in primary care. This application builds on the existing study, the CHErIsH study. The CHErIsH study is funded through an inter-disciplinary capacity enhancement award, a career development award with a multi-disciplinary team of co-investigators working together to mentor and train 3 Fellows with the dual aims of increasing capacity in population health and health services research in Ireland and of developing a pilot intervention to prevent childhood obesity. Through our research to date we have identified specific challenges for primary care practitioners in implementation of behavioural child health interventions. This suggests that existing dissemination activities are not sufficient in reaching practitioners, or ensuring their engagement or buy-in for future steps of the project with additional challenges for those working in socially disadvantaged areas. Therefore, this KEDS application focuses on tailoring dissemination of CHErIsH research for primary care practitioners across different settings. Specifically, we aim to recruit and train a ‘knowledge broker’ to first understand the challenges of intervention delivery in primary care and subsequently liaise with the CHErIsH research team and practitioners to collaboratively develop communication tools that are appropriate and acceptable to practitioners working in a variety of settings. The co-production of a realistic and relevant knowledge exchange strategy will accelerate the translation of future research in childhood obesity into primary care practice in Ireland.