People have always migrated for a variety of reasons, to seek work, education and to seek protection from conflict, natural disasters and persecution. While Ireland has a long history of emigration, since the early 2000s the trend has changed and there are more migrants coming into Ireland than before. Therefore gaining greater insights into ways of supporting health for migrant communities living in Ireland is essential. While, there are national platforms for inclusion health in general and for specific populations who experience marginalisation, (i.e. homeless people), there is a notable absence of such a platform for migrant health. The purpose of this seminar is to address that gap. This is an important event as it will bring together a diverse range of stakeholders and provide a collective voice to inform future research, practice and policy. It is being organised with support from the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for migrants’ involvement in health research, University of Limerick (UL).
PART-IM (Participatory and Arts-Based Methods Involving Migrants in Health Research) is a research cluster in UL. This cluster is based on a partnership with Doras (NGO for migrants), that focuses on the use of music and singing as tools to support migrant health research. In 2021, PART-IM used music and singing (the Irish World Music Café method) in a research prioritisation exercise that involved migrants and other stakeholders. This exercise resulted in clear research priorities and an action plan. This event will provide an update on progress with that action plan; disseminate findings from completed research and support inter-sectoral networking to use that knowledge for evidence based policy and practice. The target audience is migrant communities, NGOs who advocate for migrants, researchers and healthcare professionals. The event outcomes will be disseminated through social media (twitter, Facebook) and through the PART-IM website (