Board and Executive

Board Members

A ten-member Board oversees the work of the HRB. Board members are appointed by the Minister for Health and serve a five-year term.

The Board meets approximately seven times per year. A record of attendance at meetings and committees is published in our Annual Reports. Meeting minutes are published on our website.

Board Meeting Minutes

The HRB conducts a monthly meeting with its Board and Executive Members. The meeting notes are available for the public to review and download.

Register of interests

The HRB Board operates to best practice corporate governance principles. HRB Board members register their interests with the Secretary. These are available for the public to review and download.

Audit and Risk Committee

The role of the Audit & Risk Committee (ARC) is to support the Board in relation to its responsibilities for issues of risk, control and governance and associated assurance. The ARC is independent from the financial management of the organisation. The Committee ensures that the internal control systems including audit activities are monitored actively and independently. The ARC reports to the Board after each meeting, and formally in writing annually.

Members of the Audit & Risk Committee are appointed by the Board of the HRB.

The current members of the Committee are:

  • Dr Terry McWade (Chairperson)
  • Dr Leonora Bishop
  • Prof Tom Fahey
  • Dr Cliona Saidlear
  • Ms Sinead Ward (External)

Development Committee

The role of the Committee is to act as a consultative group to the Chief Executive on the performance and development of the Senior Management Team.  The Committee will review with the Chief Executive planning for management succession in the organisation.  The Committee will also consider the areas of Culture, Organisational Structure and the Recruitment and Selection and Performance Management of the Chief Executive.

The current members of the Committee are:

  • Dr Tracy Cunningham
  • Dr Sarah Barry
  • Prof Peter Doran
  • Dr Julie Ling
  • Dr Martina Ní Chúlain

Executive Team

Meet HRB Chief Executive Dr Mairéad O’Driscoll and the other members of the HRB’s Executive Team