The first trimester of pregnancy is a particularly important time not only for baby’s development, but also for the family that is adjusting to this big change. The woman is usually first seen by her GP to confirm the pregnancy, and discuss the options available to her for antenatal or maternity care. Often the mum-to-be will engage with the maternity hospital only at 12 weeks, for her first scan. A number of recent health strategies, including Healthy Ireland, and the National Maternity Strategy, have emphasised the importance of support and accessible information in the preconception period and the early stages of pregnancy. With this in mind, we will host an event online through The Rotunda Hospital for patients, parents to be, women, families, and patient support groups to engage them in an online open day focusing on optimal early pregnancy care. We will create a forum for submitting questions about Early Pregnancy in advance of the event, which will be answered in video format by a range of experts. There will be obstetricians and midwives, fertility specialists and sonographers, dietitians, and physiotherapists and more, to answer previously submitted questions. The event will culminate in a live-panel that will explore some of the big questions around Early Pregnancy, like ‘What are the first steps to take once I find out I am pregnant?’, ‘How do I stay healthy during pregnancy?’, ‘What types of screening or scans are available?’, ‘When is the right time to share the news of my pregnancy?’, ‘What can I expect during the first trimester?’, and more. The event will provide an opportunity to engage with experts on pregnancy and to build a relationship of trust. Trust is important when women make decisions about the type of care they want and how they interact with their care team.