Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects almost 500million people worldwide is increasingly prevalent, associated with morbidity and mortality, and interventions (dialysis or transplant) are expensive and unavailable in some regions. Developing programs to reduce CKD burden requires a better understanding of global CKD epidemiology and risk factors to optimally implement interventions. First, I will explore methodological issues in clinical trials and gain essential experience in large streamlined trials by working with global leaders in nephrology (Dr Walsh & Prof Baigent). This work will include the ACHIEVE trial – a 2×2 factorial trial testing if spironolactone/placebo and Theranova dialyzer/usual high flux dialyzer reduces cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in haemodialysis patients. Second I will further expand my skillset in clinical trials by leading a funded Phase II clinical trial testing if a dietician delivered, behavioural intervention to reduce dietary sodium intake (to a target of <2.3g/day), vs. non-low intake, improves outcomes in patients with CKD (STICK trial). Finally, to gain a better understanding of CKD epidemiology (essential to understanding the generalizability of interventions for CKD), I will explore regional differences in CKD prevalence and risk factors in a subsample (n=10,000) of the PURE study.