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TeamTalk: Interactive Resource Hub for Healthcare Teams

Healthcare teams who are interested in improving how they work together to deliver better patient care often struggle to find the time to learn and implement new practices. Teams rarely have the opportunity to attend training courses or other learning events together. This makes it difficult to transfer their newly acquired knowledge to their team members so that together they can apply the learning to improving how they deliver patient care. In addition, those who deliver the knowledge (lecturers, researchers, managers etc.), usually evaluate their learning events immediately after the event. Whilst this may provide useful information on knowledge transfer, they have no information about how easy or difficult it is to implement this knowledge in practice or on the real value and impact of their efforts.
The proposed KEDS activity will address these gaps in the knowledge transfer and implementation process to improve the relevance and application of knowledge and increase the likelihood of it impacting on patient care. This will be achieved by synthesising the knowledge from the Collective Leadership and Safety Cultures project to-date on three important content areas for teams: collective leadership, effective teamwork, and improving quality and patient safety. This knowledge will then be shared on a resource hub using online video clips of 1-3 minutes duration and supplemented by corresponding clips of healthcare teams’ experiences and tips for applying the learning in practice. This will be achieved through collaboration with healthcare teams that were involved with us in the co-design of collective teamwork interventions.