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The Next Generation’ Diabetes Self-Management Alliance Conference

The Diabetes-Self-Management Alliance (DSMA) conference aims to share the most up-to date research evidence on how best to support people with diabetes to manage their condition on a day to day basis and to explore ways to improve diabetes self-management education and support in the future in partnership with people living with diabetes.
Diabetes self-management support is important as it gives people living with diabetes the knowledge, skills and confidence to manage their diabetes on a daily basis. It can improve people’s quality of life and reduce their risk of developing complications. Despite its importance, people living with diabetes have not always been involved in discussions about how best to provide this support and self-management support gets very little research funding compared to research in diabetes medicines and devices.
This will be the 6th DSMA conference with previous conferences being held in Leicester (2015), Copenhagen (2016), Galway (2017), Glasgow (2018) and Stockholm (2020). The DSMA conference in Belfast will focus on bringing together people living with diabetes, health care professionals delivering diabetes care, policy-makers and early career researchers across the island of Ireland (and beyond) with an interest in self-management education and support. The conference will provide attendees with the opportunity to share their experiences, learn from each other and work together to promote future research and development in this important area.
A DSMA conference report will be circulated to all attendees, the conference funders, health care policy-makers and relevant organisations and groups representing people living with diabetes.