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Medtrack KEDS

“Health professionals are the lifeblood of the health system” (President M Robinson), yet our junior doctors (NCHD-trainees) continue to report that responses for improving their working conditions have had “little tangible change or impact on their day-to-day working lives and training experience”. The RCSI research team has established that poor working conditions, unsatisfactory training and lack of career opportunities are the drivers of emigration: New RCSI MedTrack research, complemented by RCPI research, shows the impact of stressful working conditions on trainee health and wellbeing. Also, training experiences lead trainees to leave some specialties and emigrate.
The RCSI MedTrack researchers will synthesise this evidence, circulate it to the key national medical workforce decision makers, and use it to inform and stimulate engagement in two facilitated structured ‘deliberate dialogues’ between national NCHD-trainees and training body representatives. These will be conducted under the Chatham House Rule (confidentiality and anonymity) to facilitate open and frank discussion. The themes will be:(i) trainee wellbeing(staff stress, burnout, mental health, bullying and supportive supervision); and (ii)training quality, (availability and competencies [positive and negative] of trainers). Outcomes will focus on improvements/interventions that can be delivered within stakeholders’ existing budgets. Outcomes will be used to frame a national policy dialogue, including the Department of Health, HSE and Medical Council, encouraging them to agree measures to address systemic factors that undermine the training and retention of trainees, who are Ireland’s future medical workforce. A global health workforce leader will facilitate this dialogue.