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Interim award to the Medical Research Charities Group

The Medical Research Charities Group (MRCG) is the national organization of 35 patient groups and foundations which promote an improved environment for medical research in general and for charities in particular, obtain funding for research projects, bring together organizations working in the field and disseminate the outcomes. Its four strategic priorities are:
• Make Ireland a world-class medical research environment
• Ensure the full funding of medical research • Communicate the value of medical research • Increased capacity of members to become active contributors to medical research.
To do so, the MRCG applies for funding that will enable it to make the case for improved policies for medical research by charities, advocate for improved institutions, ensure better outcomes, implement existing policies and programmes, engage with external stakeholders and build its intellectual leadership. The MRCG aims to increase the level of funding for medical research by charities through significant improvements in the Joint Funding Scheme (JFS), increasing other sources of funding, opening the JFS to new members and enabling members to maximize funding. The MRCG intends to communicate the value of medical research by charities by showcasing its value, engaging with existing and new funders, engaging with the media, improving communications methods and empowering knowledgeable patients and their families.
The MRCG plans to raise the capacity of its members to become active contributors to medical research by providing services for its members, the provision of pro-active supports, self and independent evaluation and by reaching the highest standards of governance and accountability.