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Postnatal Mental Health PARTNERship

It is estimated that 10-25% of mothers will experience a mental health problem following the birth of their baby. With approximately 63,900 births in Ireland each year(6), conservative figures would suggest that over 6390 mothers will experience a mental health problem in the postnatal period. For many mothers, their partner plays a crucial supportive role but findings from a systematic review and meta-synthesis on the experiences of partners at this time identify that partners lack knowledge on postnatal mental health and how to access help and support. The proposed KEDS activity will provide an educational resource specifically aimed and developed for partners of women who are pregnant or have recently had a baby. The educational resource, Postnatal Mental Health PARTNERship, will comprise of 3 videos that will consider the following (i) Mental Health in the Postnatal Period, (ii) Strategies to Support your Partner and (iii) How to access Help and Support. The videos will be available to download freely from a number of websites providing the opportunity for partners to access them directly. The videos will also be a key resource for healthcare professionals such as midwives and public health nurses who may use the videos during antenatal and postnatal care with couples, and as a resource in group settings such as antenatal education classes.