Backgroud: Affecting more than 200 million patients worldwide, peripheral arterial disease (PAD) results in functional impairments including the loss of limbs and poses a threat of increased chance of major cardiac events. Therefore, the management plan emphasizes the significance of minimizing modifiable risk factors including sedentary lifestyle and physical inactivity. In this aspect, there is a need to objectively measure the sedentary times of PAD patients and to assess the effect of sedentary behavior interventions on the patients.
Aims: The main goal is to quantify sedentary times in PAD patients by using an objective tool–activPAL accelerometer. This will further allow to evaluate whether statistical significance between high sedentary times and increased adverse events exists.
Hypothesis: Null hypothesis: PAD is not associated with prolonged sedentary time
Alternative hypothesis: PAD is associated with prolonged sedentary time
+ Null hypothesis: Increased adverse events are not associated with prolonged sedentary times in PAD patients
Alternative hypothesis: Increased adverse events are associated with prolonged sedentary times in PAD patients