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All Ireland Diabetes Clinical Trial Network – Pre-proposal

The aim of the network is to improve health and wellbeing for patients with diabetes through research. The network will be an All Ireland enterprise and will build on the national investment already made in clinical research facilities (CRFs) and networks. It will be bring together academics, clinicians, health professionals, industry, charities and HSE and build on ongoing established diabetes research. The Network Activities will comprise 30% of workload activity and will centre on (a) development of an agreed research strategy (b) development of a governance structure (c) plan for interaction with industry, charities, funding bodies, patient groups and the public (d) plan for sustainability with a focus on national and international grant applications and collaborations, in addition to industry and SME interactions. The Trial Activities will follow an agreed network research strategy which will be complimentary to the national clinical care programme in Diabetes. In essence it consists of a portfolio of a definitive intervention in GDM screening, and pilot work in areas such as diabetic foot and kidney disease, strategies to improve physical activity and telephone based health coaching, and identifying patients with maturity onset diabetes of youth (MODY). A WP will also be devoted to methodological developments. The PIs in these areas of work have previous considerable experience in both investigator led and pharma led clinical trials in these areas. Alongside this we will encourage and attract 40% of workload from pharma sponsored trial activities. The network will initiate 1 definitive intervention trial in year 1, alongside pilot project/feasibility studies necessary to support the second and subsequent definitive intervention trials.
The Network activities will be led by the following academic institutions:
Executive group all contribute (NUIG, UCC, RCSI, UCD, DCU)
Research Strategy (NUIG)
Industry Liason (RCSI)
Patients, Public and Charities (UCD)
Sustainability (UCC)
Education & Training (DCU)