HRB logo and use

HRB funded researchers and their agents may freely use the HRB logo when communicating about their HRB-funded research and/or their results. 

There are low-resolution and high-resolution versions available and in three language options, Irish, bilingual and English. The logo is also available in portrait and landscape orientations, colour or black and white in addition to a reverse colour option.  

Low resolution versions are generally used with MS Word, PowerPoint, PDF files and other desktop publishing applications. 

High resolution versions for professional graphic design applications like Adobe and Corel, etc. 

Please read our brand guidelines (available below) in order to use the logo properly. 


HRB logo and brand guidelines  

In summary: 

  • Do not pull, stretch or distort the logo in any way. 
  • Leave sufficient white space around the logo, as in, don’t squash it up against other logos. 
  • Low resolution versions are usually fine for desktop publishing applications like MS Word and PowerPoint files. The landscape version is preferred for this type of use. 
  • Official reports, covers etc., should use the portrait (stacked) version(s). 

If you have any queries about using the logo, please contact the HRB Communications Office at

Logo resources