In Ireland, the healthcare of young people with cerebral palsy (CP) transfers from child to adult services at age 18 years. There is consistent evidence that poor management of the transition from child to adult health services is associated with deterioration in health, increased hospitalisations, and reduced quality of life. While international research identifies key practices that can improve the experience and outcomes of this transition, there is no research examining how the process of transition is managed for young people with CP in Ireland. A team of academic researchers and knowledge-users from the Central Remedial Clinic (CRC) will work together to assess gaps in current management of transition, and explore perspectives of young people with CP, their families and health professionals on how to implement practices to improve transition in an Irish context. Using the research findings, and with involvement from young people with CP and their families, the team will co-produce resources to support implementation of successful transition from child to adult services.
To assess gaps, we will use surveys to ask 100 young people with CP aged 16-22 years if they experienced key transition practices and ask children’s disability service providers if they provide these practices. We will interview 15 young people, 15 family members/carers, and 20 health professionals and managers to explore their perspectives on transition, including barriers, enablers, and supports required to implement key transition practices. We will integrate quantitative and qualitative data, interpret findings, and use the findings to guide planning, co-production and piloting of resources in collaboration with knowledge-users, researchers, young people with CP and families.
This project will generate data and resources to support the CRC to implement successful transition for young people with CP, which may improve the experience and outcomes of transition for young people with CP in Ireland.