The project will involve looking at innate lymphocytes, which are a specialized subset of T-cells present within the human body and part of the immune system. These cells are involved in defence against infection and controlling inflammation. A type of innate lymphocyte called invariant natural killer T cells (or iNKT cells for short) are well understood and react to lipids in association with a molecule called CD1d. Although iNKT cells are found in very low numbers they appear be very important and may have a role in the prevention of disease. These cells are greatly reduced in patients who are obese and this may contribute to the increased levels of cancer and autoimmune disease in these patients. Gastric bypass surgery and weight loss causes a recovery in iNKT cell numbers.
This project involves looking for innate lymphocytes that respond to molecules related to CD1d, namely CD1a, CD1b and CD1c. The role of these molecules in obesity-related disease is currently unknown but they may also play a role in controlling disease. This knowledge will help us better understand the illnesses associated with obesity and perhaps lead to the development of strategies to treat these diseases.