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Big Data Driven, Patient-Centric, Outcomes Scoring Tool Linking Multimorbidity, Fracture, Hosptialisation and Death for Patients with Osteoporosis

Multimorbidity (i.e. the co-occurrence of two or more chronic diseases within an individual) is common in people with osteoporosis, particularly cardiovascular disease (CVD), cancer, Covid-19, and dementia. These diseases share similar risk factors5. Multimorbidity profoundly negatively impacts risk, treatment, quality of life, and patient outcomes, and associated with higher all-cause mortality6. Studies exploring multimorbidity at a population-level demonstrate its importance7-10, but the risk of fracture and adverse outcomes for individual patients with osteoporosis has not well addressed, or included in tools which include BMD. A patient-centred prediction approach, rather than ‘one size fits all’ approach for outcomes prediction in osteoporosis patients with multimorbidity, is particularly attractive for personalised health care and clinical management. DXA machines measure bone mineral density and other biometrics. DXA secondary data could provide low-cost diagnostic-disease prediction for diabetes and cancer11-15.
This project aims to develop a personalised patient-centered/informed outcomes scoring tool for the Irish population underpinned by multimorbidity indices and big-data analytics for predicting risk of fracture, hospitalisation, and death in osteoporosis patients with multimorbidity.
With 3 participating university hospitals (Galway, Manorhamilton, and Sligo), the research question is; “How can DXA secondary data linked with other hospital data including patients’ narrative medical notes and underpinned by big-data analytics and natural language processing, contribute to more effective multimorbidity management for osteoporosis patients, and create personalised patient-centred outcomes assessments for osteoporosis with multimorbidity?”.
Project Design:
Project management-(WP1)
Data Harvesting and Management-(WP3)
Multimorbidity identification and analysis-(WP4)
Outcomes predictive modelling for osteoporosis with multimorbidity-(WP5)
Visual Outcomes Scoring Tool for osteoporosis design and test-(WP6)
Project potential:
Improvements in quality service planning and provision
Contributions to effective illness-management
Development and strengthening of partnerships (PPI, researchers, data-controllers and knowledge-users)
Integration of project findings into clinical-workflow
Development of personalised patient-centred care
Use by the general public