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Children’s Health Ireland

Clinical trials improve outcomes by accurately determining what treatments are safe and effective. Hospitals involved in trials have better outcomes. However trials are complex and significant resources are required to safely perform them. This is particularly true for children, a vulnerable group with unique needs whose access to trials lags behind that of adults.
We are at an exciting juncture for children’s health in Ireland. Our new hospital and urgent care centres provide world class facilities, the way our hospital and universities work together to support education and research has advanced significantly and our new hospital board is fully invested in our drive to become a leading academic children’s hospital.
With this investment from HRB we propose a simple but comprehensive approach to increasing the number and type of trials we can offer to Irish children, integrating with other national services, developing our trials capabilities and building a solid platform for the future. The key objectives of the CRF/C: To communicate effectively with all of our staff, patients and parents to drive greater participation in trials and allow our patients, parents and the public to influence the trials that we design and operate.
To comprehensively train staff across the hospital at all levels so that they can design, fund and and safely operate meaningful clinical trials
To develop our expertise, skills and experience in CHI so that we can attract and develop a wide variety of more advanced trials for Irish children
To embed within the hospital, financial and other key systems, in order to sustain our Centre so we can continue to grow, develop and offer greater trial opportunities to Irish children and families in the future
This is a unique opportunity to directly impact this vulnerable cohort in our society, our most precious natural resource, our children.