This study is being done to develop and evaluate an academic support writing intervention for post-graduate nursing and midwifery students. There will be two groups in this study a control group and an intervention group. The control group will receive generic academic writing supports. The intervention will involve attending a one day academic writing workshop in the college and completing a peer to peer writing activity online. During the workshop students will receive lectures on 1. Literature searching, 2. Development of academic writing using arguments, structure, evidence, coherence and clarity, 3. Referencing in academic writing. 4. Giving and interpreting feedback. Before completing the online activity students will watch a demonstration video and be given good and poor examples of academic writing and information on how to provide appropriate feedback. Students participating in both groups in this study will be asked to complete a Self-efficacy writing scale and a scale which examines Locus of control beliefs at three different time points (beginning, middle and end of the programme). The purpose of this is to determine whether the academic writing intervention has had an impact on the students writing skills and academic outputs throughout the year. Students grades from both groups will be compared and contrasted to establish differences as a result of the intervention or not.