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Sustaining activity with arthritis (SAWA) following an Arthritis Ireland Be active with arthritis (BAWA) exercise programme

Despite the wealth of evidence demonstrating the numerous health benefits of physical activity (PA), people with arthritis (including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis) commonly do not meet recommended PA levels. Whilst various exercise programmes support people with arthritis to be active such as the ‘Be Active with Arthritis’ (BAWA) programme from Arthritis Ireland), most individuals reduce their level of PA after completion of a prescribed programme.
This research, to be conducted in four phases, aims to develop and pilot test a PA maintenance intervention for those who have participated in the BAWA exercise programme, delivered by Arthritis Ireland.
Phase 1: An evidence synthesis will evaluate effectiveness of digital and non-digital interventions for PA maintenance in people with arthritis and extract potential intervention components.
Phase 2: A behavioural analysis of BAWA programmes, currently being delivered, and the people participating, will be undertaken, so we better understand what behaviour change components are already being used that might support PA maintenance. This will be followed by qualitative focus group interviews of 1) people with arthritis and 2) healthcare professionals to identify support needs of people with arthritis, family members and exercise professionals for development of a long-term PA programme.
Phase 3: A PA maintenance intervention will be co-developed by the research team, people with arthritis and healthcare/exercise professionals using a participatory workshop approach.
Phase 4: The PA programme, developed in Phase 3, will be piloted using a pre-post evaluation design with 25 people with arthritis in three separate waves. Qualitative interviews with programme attendees will ascertain its effectiveness to sustain PA and identify any barriers to implementation. Public patient involvement will be embedded throughout this research with the formation of a PPI panel and an embedded Patient Researcher, to ensure that patients’ and carers’ lived expertise informs the various phases and final PA intervention.