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What the Researcher and the Dentist want to share, supporting knowledge dissemination

Research is ongoing to monitor the oral health of the Irish population, the uptake of dental services, and targeting of services to specific groups most in need. Results of such research inform policy makers in the Department of Health with respect to issues such as community water fluoridation and recommendations on the use of fluoride toothpaste. Research results are also of use to HSE management in planning dental service provision, and to bodies involved in oral health promotion, such as the Dental Health Foundation.
In RoI, most people receive oral health care from a General Dental Practitioner (GDP), either a private “family dentist” or publicly-funded HSE dentist. These dentists are the main source of oral health advice for patients, including general advice applicable to everyone, on toothbrushing, use of fluoride toothpaste, diet and snacking habits, need for regular checkups. They are also in a unique position to offer advice tailored to each individual patient’s needs.
Using the research study “Fluoride And Caring for Children’s Teeth” (FACCT)* as an example, we will explore with GDPs their perceived need for support in accessing research results and using these in their clinical practice and in advising their patients. Working with GDPs, we will develop an appropriate training module and support materials focused on their priorities.
*FACCT is part of a HRB-funded project spanning 6 years (2012 to 2018). The study was initiated to determine the effects of changes to policy on public water fluoridation and guidelines on toothpaste use in young children.