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Change in eGFR and Kidney Function in older Irish Adults aged 50-69: A secondary analysis of Mitchelstown Cohort Study at baseline and six-year follow up.

This research project is looking at the change in kidney function in older Irish Adults aged 50-69. Data from the Mitchelstown Cohort Study will be used for the project. Baseline data was collected in 2010 and a rescreen was carried out in 2016/2017. Kidney function of the cohort will be assessed by measuring eGFR (estimated glomerular filtration rate), a mathematically derived entity based on a patient’s serum creatinine level, age, sex and race. Two equations, the MDRD and CKD EPI equation will be used to calculate the eGFR. The association between kidney disease and pre-existing medical conditions and modifiable lifestyle behaviours such as smoking, diet and physical activity will also be explored.