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Development of an educational tool for cancer patients presenting with moderate-severe weight loss/swallowing/chewing difficulties.

Significant weight loss is a debilitating condition present in 30-70% of cancer patients. It reduces response to treatment, increases treatment-related side effects, lengthens hospital stay and reduces overall survival. It also impacts significantly on quality of life and physical activity. Treatment of cancer induced weight loss is often neglected by physicians and not every patient can avail of one-to-one dietetic services due to limited resources.
University College Cork is currently is the recipient of two HRB funded research grants which are examining the role of specialised nutrition after major cancer surgery to improve outcomes. As part of this award the Principle Investigator (Dr Aoife Ryan) was awarded an additional KEDS grant by the HRB to encourage dissemination of scientific knowledge to the public. This project will involve development of an educational tool for all cancer patients presenting with moderate to severe weight loss and/or swallowing/chewing difficulties. It will produce a printed resource of information, advice, and recipes developed by dietitians, and endorsed by the Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute (INDI) and Irish Society of Medical Oncology (ISMO) and contributed to by both chefs and cancer patients. The 40-50 page booklet will contain advice for patients with poor appetite, involuntary weight loss, or swallowing difficulties, and will provide ideas of enriched meals for prevention and/or treatment of involuntary weight loss. An outreach campaign will involve a series of talks to patients and family members at several cancer centres.