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Patient-reported hand appearance and hand function outcomes following mutilating hand injuries and correlation with patients psychosocial functioning.

Ireland like many other countries has seen a steady increase in life expectancy and has an ageing population. Internationally, health and social care systems are recognising that sustainable healthcare strategies for older adults need to move from acute, episodic care to longitudinal, coordinated and integrated care models. International evidence demonstrates that older adults account for up to 25% of all emergency department (ED) attendances and experience high rates of adverse outcomes following emergency care such as unscheduled ED return, unplanned hospital admission and functional decline. Given the significant incidence of adverse events in this population, there is very little research conducted to explore how integrated care may improve outcomes among those who are discharged from the ED. The overall aim of this programme of research is to develop and examine an evidence-based model of integrated care for older people following ED index visit that is planned around their needs and choices, to support them to live well in their own homes and communities. This aim will be realised through collaboration and meaningful engagement by the research team with service users, advocacy groups, health-decision makers and health-practitioners. The objectives include qualitative and quantitative syntheses of international evidence, analysis of local and national routine health data and meaningful engagement with stakeholders to inform the design, delivery and evaluation of an integrated model of care to improve patient, process, clinical and economic outcomes post ED index visit. This programme of work responds to and resonates with key priorities identified in national ageing, emergency and integrated care strategies relating to the development and delivery of a continuum of high quality care services and supports that are responsive to the changing needs and preferences of older adults. The proposal also aligns with key objectives of the WHO Guidelines on Integrated Care for Older People (2017).