The purpose of this study is to understand how often people with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have symptoms related to taking antiretroviral drugs for short periods and long periods of time. As antiretroviral drugs can be toxic, many people on it can have adverse reactions either due to common side effects of the drugs, or from being on it for many years. This will be done in 2 parts to understand both the short-term and long-term adverse effects. The short-term toxicities will be investigated through a 20-item questionnaire to identify any incidences of toxicities. 30 current HIV patients who have attended CUH for the past 3 years and given an interviewer-assisted questionnaire to complete during outpatient clinic. The long-term toxicities will be investigated through an audit of 30 random files of HIV patients who have attended CUH for the past 10 years, with corresponding laboratory tests to identify potential toxicities.
It will help uncover potential toxicities that can be avoided with increased monitoring and elicit expectations of HIV patients of their doctor in regards to side effects of antiretrovirals.