The SSIS-ACE study examines how psychosocial, psychiatric and work-related factors relate to suicide. The study involves liaising with family members bereaved by suicide, family members of those who survived a high-risk self-harm act, general practitioners (GPs), emergency department staff, mental health staff and coroners. During the course of our data collection, it has become clear that these groups struggle in responding to suicide. They report that there is not enough information available and that they did not know where to go for support. The SSIS-ACE researchers support these professionals and family members, but the reach of our activities is currently limited to face-to-face or telephone contact in Cork city and county. The current application outlines a proposal to develop a website for professionals and family members who are responding to suicide risk or suicide in Ireland and further afield. The information tailored for family members will include plain language descriptions of the causes and features of suicidal behaviour, responding sensitively, managing the practical steps in the aftermath of a suicide (e.g. what the inquest will be like, managing finances, etc.), and the importance of seeking professional bereavement support. The professionals’ sections would provide screening tools, and summaries of information around responding to suicide risk and suicide. While the majority of the information for professionals will be on responding to the patient/client and their family, the importance of self-care and peer support will also be emphasised. Promotion of the website would be through leaflet mailings, a launch seminar, and online advertising.