Purpose To design and deliver a community-based campaign to promote testicular awareness and self-examination among gay men.
Importance In comparison to straight men, gay men are more likely to report a cancer diagnosis including testicular cancer, the most common cancer in men younger than 50years. Gay men are also at risk for other testicular diseases such as epididymitis, a sexually transmitted infection.
Gay men still experience discrimination and negative experiences while accessing healthcare. This might lead them to delay seeking help from a healthcare professional for testicular symptoms, hence the importance of our campaign. Process We will use a workshop-style research methodology called “World Café” to design and deliver the campaign as follows: Twenty individuals from gay-friendly charities, healthcare professionals, cancer organisations, patients, and media/marketing experts are invited to participate in the World Café
A meeting room with four round tables and refreshments is booked
Participants are informed about the World Café process which begins with 20-minute conversations. Each participant then moves to a different table and the conversations continue.
Participants are asked to focus their conversations on what an effective campaign would look like (e.g., content and method[s] of delivery)
Participants from each table share results from their conversations with the wider group using sticky notes/charts/iPads/audio recorder
World Café discussions are shared with media/marketing/design experts and the campaign is designed
A second World Café is organised where the same participants are asked to comment on the campaign and discuss areas for improvement The campaign will then run in two gay-friendly organisations
The campaign social media analytics including engagement (number of times content is commented on/saved/liked/shared on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Snapchat/TikTok/YouTube), impressions (number of times content is displayed), and reach (number of people who see content) will be measured. The number of video/website clicks, in-person/online session attendees, and posters/leaflets distributed will be recorded.