Published: 29 June 2023

Revisiting the Profile of Patients with No Fixed Abode Admitted to Psychiatric Inpatient Units

There is a well-documented relationship between homelessness and mental illness. This has been demonstrated in both an international context and in an Irish context. This relationship is bidirectional and homelessness is both a contributing factor to and a result of mental illness. This perpetuates a vicious circle characterised by homelessness, mental health problems, social withdrawal and unemployment. This relationship can be further complicated by alcohol and substance dependence, which are among the most prevalent health problems in people who are homeless.


  • S Guilfoyle
  • Antoinette Daly
  • Sarah Craig
  • E Corroon Sweeney
  • P O'Donnell

Irish Medical Organisation
ISSN number
Irish Medical Journal 2023;116:786