COVID-19 and funding scheme date changes
Please check the individual funding scheme notices on the HRB website for the latest on any changes to opening and closing dates, panel meetings and dates that decisions are expected by. A brief summary of the major changes, accurate as of 1 April 2020, are below.
2 min read - 31 Mar 2020
Clinical Trial Networks (CTN) 2020
This call has been deferred until further notice.
HRCI/HRB Joint Funding Scheme 2020
The call deadline (for charities) has been extended to 22 April 2020. (The original deadline had been 6 April 2020.)
Definitive Interventions and Feasibility Awards (DIFA) 2020
The full application form for shortlisted applicants will be available in early April 2020. The closing date has been pushed back out to 30 June 2020. We are considering options to hold the applicant workshop via a webinar or other online method.
HRB Postdoctoral Fellowships – Applying Research into Policy and Practice (ARPP) 2020
The interview-based panel meeting has been changed to a virtual panel discussion which will take place on Thursday 21 May 2020. A right to reply step has been introduced, and candidates have been notified.
Clinician Scientist Postdoctoral Fellowships (CSF) 2020
The interview-based panel meeting has been changed to virtual panel discussion which will take place on Thursday 28 May. A right to reply step has been introduced, and candidates have been notified.
Emerging Investigator Awards (EIA) 2021
The call launch date has been deferred until further notice. (It had been expected to open in May 2020.)
Research Collaborative in Quality and Patient Safety (RCQPS) 2020
The call opening has been deferred until further notice. (It had been expected to open in April 2020)
The closing date for submission of proposals has been extended to 12 May 2020.
The pre-proposal deadline has been extended to 7 May 2020. The full proposal deadline extended to 31 July 2020.
Conference and event sponsorship scheme
The panel will take place remotely at the start of April. The outcome will be approved by the Executive team and circulated before the end of April 2020.
European funding
The deadline for the Horizon 2020 Health Societal Challenge 1 (SC1) – 2020 calls has been extended to 4 June 2020. Deadlines for H2020-SC1-DTH-2020 and H2020-SC1-FA-DTS-2020 topics have been extended to 18 June 2020.
The EU Commission has set up a webpage with specific information about COVID-19 research in Europe.
2 min read - 31 Mar 2020