Applications in Progress

JPI “A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life’ (HDHL) Call (2022)

The deadline for pre-proposals was April 21st 2022 and National eligibility checks are now ongoing.

Summer Student Scholarship 2022

50 awards were approved by the HRB Board following an international postal review process. The Lead Applicants and Host Institutions were recently informed of the outcome. 82 eligible applications were received by the HRB in January 2022.

HRCI/HRB Joint Funding Scheme 2022

34 eligible applications received are now undergoing panel review. Panel Meeting will take place on May 5 and 6.

Investigator-Led Projects (ILP) 2022

70 short-listed applications are now undergoing panel review. Panel meetings will take place at the end of May and early June.

Emerging Investigator Awards for Health (EIA) 2022 

International peer-review for 15 full applications is now complete and the applicant response phase is currently ongoing prior to commencing the panel review. Face to face interviews with an international review panel will take place on 8 and 9 of June.

National Integrated PhD Programme for Medical Practitioners 2022

In early April the HRB Board approved the recommendation from an international Panel to award phase 2 of the Irish Clinical Academic Programme (ICAT) which will support medical practitioners to conduct a PhD fully integrated with higher specialist training.

Conference and Events Sponsorship Scheme (CES) 2022

21 applications were received, and the panel meeting took place on 7 April 2022. The HRB ET will discuss panel recommendations on the week of April 25 and applicants will be advised of outcome following this.

European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) Joint Transnational Call (2022) The deadline for pre-proposals was 16 February 2022 and eligible proposals are currently under evaluation. 

ERA PerMed Joint Transnational Call (2022)

The deadline for pre-proposals was 17 February 2022 and eligible proposals are currently under evaluation. 

ERA-NET TRANSCAN-3 Joint Transnational Call (2021)

Full proposals from successful consortia are currently undergoing evaluation.

Research visits – Ulysses 2022

Decisions are expected in June 2022. Please contact for further information.

Post-doctoral Internship Programme

Round 2 of the Postdoctoral Internship Programme closed on 19 of April and three applications were received. Interviews of the eligible candidates will take place on 28 of April.

Open Calls

ERA-Net JPIAMR-ACTION Transnational Network Call (2022)

The Joint Transnational Call “Diagnostics and Surveillance” launched April 12th 2022 with a deadline for submission of proposals of June 14th 2022.


The Health Research Board, in collaboration with the Irish research Council (IRC) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and co-funded by the European Union, is has launched the DOROTHY COFUND programme. DOROTHY is a postdoctoral research programme open to researchers from all disciplines who wish to focus on research into public health crises. Fellowships will have an international outgoing phase of 18 months, followed by a return phase to Ireland of 18 months. The deadline for applications is 23 May 2022 and the call is managed by IRC. Please see here for further information.

Definitive Intervention and Feasibility Awards (DIFA) 2023

The 2023 DIFA call opened for pre-application on Thursday 24th February 2022. The scheme supports evaluations of full-scale, definitive interventions of any appropriate design and feasibility studies conducted in preparation for future definitive intervention. The closing date for pre-applications is 31st March 2022.

Applied Partnership Awards 2022 (APA)

The 2022 call for proposals for Applied Partnership Awards (APA) is now open. The scheme supports applied research projects in which researchers and knowledge users come together to develop research projects that address a specific need within the Irish health or social care system. This is a rolling call with the first closing date for submissions on 27 April 2022.

Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe (2021-2027) is the EU’s funding programme for research and innovation. The 2022 single stage calls closed on 21 April 2022. The Work Programme with calls for 2023/2024 is now in preparation and it is expected to be published towards the end 2022. If you would like further information on the draft calls or want advice or more information in relation to applying for funding under any of the health areas in Horizon Europe please contact Kay Duggan Walls, HRB National Contact Point for Health,

Cancer Mission

EU Missions are an additional part of the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme for 2021-2027 aiming to address some of the greatest challenges facing our society.  An online information event was held on 18 January 2022 on the Cancer Mission and the 2021 calls and the recording is available here EU Missions info days | European Commission ( The 2021 calls closed on 26 April 2022.

The 2022 calls will launch in May with a total budget €129.56 million and a tentative closing date in September 2022. Topics include Improving & Upscaling primary prevention of cancer through implementation research, Pragmatic clinical trials to optimise treatment for patients, Strengthen Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures, Towards the creation of a European Cancer Patient Digital Centre and Creation of National Mission Hubs Supporting the Mission on Cancer. The 2023 calls will have a possible closing date of Spring 2023.

Here is a recording of the webinar on Cancer Research Funding in European Programmes held on Tuesday 1st March 2022.

Here are further details on the Cancer Mission and here is the Cancer Mission Implementation Plan.

For further information on the Cancer Mission calls please contact Kay Duggan Walls, HRB National Contact Point for Health,


The European Commission has launched a call to provide mental health and psychosocial support to displaced people from Ukraine. Funding of €2 million will support the exchange and implementation of best practices that will increase awareness, knowledge sharing and support for health professionals and NGOs working with refugees. Application deadline is 31st May 2022. For more details visit the call document.

First wave of 2022 calls:

The submission deadline for the first set of calls under the 2022 work programme is the 24th May 2022.  The total budget for these eight calls amounts to €107.3 million.  The calls focus on the following eight topics:  

  • Collation of Public Health knowledge on vaccination against COVID-19
  • prevention of NCDs – excluding cancer, cardiovascular diseases & diabetes
  • promoting mental health
  • implementation of innovative approaches to prostate, lung and gastric cancer screening at Union level
  • training clinical and patient experts for involvement in health technology assessment
  • increased capacity of notified bodies for medical devices
  • training for health workforce, including digital skills
  • guidance in the area of pricing through the EURIPID database

For more details visit here

Upcoming Calls 

ERA-NET TRANSCAN-3 Joint Transnational Call 2022

ERA-NET TRANSCAN-3 is expected to launch a Joint Transnational Call on “Novel translational approaches to tackle the challenges of hard-to-treat cancers from early diagnosis to therapy” on 23rd May 2022 with a submission deadline for pre-proposals of 18th July 2022. Please see  pre-announcement

Knowledge Exchange and Dissemination Scheme (KEDS) 2022

The 2022 call for proposals for Knowledge Exchange and Dissemination Scheme (KEDS) will open in early May to holders of existing, active HRB grants. The scheme supports supplementary funding for knowledge exchange and dissemination activities not covered in the original grant that will maximise the potential impact of the research findings on policy or practice or communicate research and research findings to the general public.

Knowledge Translation Awards (KTA) 2022

The 2022 call for proposals for Knowledge Translation Awards (KTA) will open in early May to holders of existing, active HRB grants. The scheme supports supplementary funding for knowledge translation activities not covered in the original grant that will maximise the potential impact of the research findings on policy or practice or communicate research and research findings to the general public. Please note this scheme was formerly named the Knowledge Exchange and Dissemination Scheme.