Applications in progress

HRB Postdoctoral fellowships – Applying Research into Policy & Practice (ARPP) 2020

The Board approved seven awards following the recommendations of an international Panel. All applicants have been notified. The HRB will announce further details of the awardees shortly.

HRB Postdoctoral fellowships – Clinician Scientist Fellowship (CSF) 2020

The Board approved five awards following the recommendations of an international Panel. All applicants have been notified. The HRB will announce further details of the awardees shortly.

HRCI HRB Joint Funding Scheme 2020

31 applications were discussed by a (virtual) panel meeting on Tuesday 9 June 2020. Ten applications were recommended to the HRB Board for approval. Applicants will be notified of the outcome.

Summer Student Scholarships 2020

27 students will conduct their projects during the summer 2020 and 29 have deferred until summer 2021.

EU-related applications

European Joint Programme in Rare Diseases – Joint Translational Call 2020

No applications with Irish partners were shortlisted for the full application stage. Only 30 applications were selected by a virtual panel out of the 173 eligible ones.


Three applications with Irish partners were successful the full application stage. Full application deadline was 15 June 2020.

JPND 2020

One application with an Irish partner was successful in proceeding  to the full application stage. Full application deadline is 30 June 2020


JPI HDHL Call “Prevention of unhealthy weight gain and obesity during crucial phases throughout the lifespan (PREPHOBES)” 2020. The Pre-proposal panel meeting took place on 9 June 2020. 36 pre-proposals were discussed (16 with Irish partners) and 17 were invited to submit full applications (six of those had Irish partners). Closing date for full proposals 31 July 2020.

JPI HDHL Call “Development of targeted nutrition for prevention of undernutrition for older adults (PREVNUT)” 2020.

17 Applications were submitted, five of which had Irish partners.  Applications are currently undergoing panel review. the evaluation panel meeting is scheduled for 21-22 September 2020.

Other updates

Definitive Interventions and Feasibility Awards (DIFA)

The DIFA deadline will now remain open for full applications until 1.00 pm Tuesday 7 July 2020. All other timelines will remain the same and currently we do not foresee any delay to the Panel meeting or funding announcement later this year.

Investigator Led Projects (ILP): launching August 2021

The HRB will embark on a new strategy during 2021. It is still under consultation, but from a funding perspective we know it will build on existing successes as well as introducing new opportunities for the future. Given the ten-year period for the new strategy, the HRB wants to ensure that we align and integrate key funding schemes like the Investigator-Led Projects (ILP) with the new strategy so they meet with future goals. To achieve this the next call for the ILP scheme will launch in August 2021 so that any necessary changes to align it with the strategy can be made.

 Conference and Event Scheme 2020

Round 2 for this scheme has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 crisis. The reserve list for Round 1 have had funding offers made. The next round is planned for January 2021.  

Open Calls


RCQPS will launch a funding opportunity supporting the National research response to COVID-19. Applications must be within the scope of the COVID-19 specific quality and patient safety themes identified. Closing date for applications is 17 July 2020. For more information contact

National PPI Network

The HRB and the Irish Research Council(IRC) are now inviting an application for the establishment of a National PPI Network aiming to support and further build capacity for high-quality PPI in research throughout Ireland. The deadline for submission is 28 August 2020.

SFI-HRB-Wellcome Biomedical Research Partnership

This is a rolliing call. Check the scheme notice for full details.

US-Ireland Research and Development Partnership Programme

This is a rolliing call. Check the scheme notice for full details.

EU Public Health Programme, Project grants call 2020

Calls for project grants are now open for submission and the closing date has been extended to 6 August 2020.

Please contact the National Focal Point, Kay Duggan-Walls, e t +085 8868183.