Applications in Progress

Summer Student Scholarship 2022

82 eligible applications are currently under peer-review.

HRCI/HRB Joint Funding Scheme 2022

Participating charity calls have now closed and applications are under-going peer review.

Investigator-Led Projects (ILP) 2022

118 eligible applications are now undergoing peer and public review.

Emerging Investigator Awards for Health (EIA) 2022 

Peer-review is ongoing for 15 full applications which were invited from pre-application stage. Following peer-review, the applicants will have the opportunity to respond to the peer-reviewers’ comments prior to the panel review phase and Interview meeting in June.

Research Collaborative in Quality and Patient Safety 2021 (RCQPS)

Two applications were recommended by the review panel for funding and approved by the HRB Board in December. Details can be found here.

National Integrated PhD Programme for Medical Practitioners 2022

The international panel interview meeting took place in early February 2022 and the Directors Team is currently responding to the Panel review feedback. The HRB Board will discuss the Panel recommendation in early April.

Conference and Events Sponsorship Scheme (CES) 2022

The Conference and Events Sponsorship Scheme 2022 closed for applications on 24 February 2022 and are are currently undergoing evaluation.

European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) Joint Transnational Call (2022)The deadline for pre-proposals was 16 February 2022 and the funding agencies are currently completing the national eligibility check.

ERA PerMed Joint Transnational Call (2022)

The deadline for pre-proposals was 17 February 2022 and the funding agencies are currently completing the national eligibility check.

ERA-NET TRANSCAN-3 Joint Transnational Call (2021)

Full proposals from successful consortia are currently undergoing evaluation.

Research visits – Ulysses 2022

The deadline for application was in January 2022 and decisions are expected in June 2022. Please contact for further information.

Open Calls

Definitive Intervention and Feasibility Awards (DIFA) 2023

The 2023 DIFA call opened for pre-application on Thursday 24th February 2022. The scheme supports evaluations of full-scale, definitive interventions of any appropriate design and feasibility studies conducted in preparation for future definitive intervention. The closing date for pre-applications is 31st March 2022.

Applied Partnership Awards 2022 (APA)

The 2022 call for proposals for Applied Partnership Awards (APA) is now open. The scheme supports applied research projects in which researchers and knowledge users come together to develop research projects that address a specific need within the Irish health or social care system. This is a rolling call with the first closing date for submissions on 27 April 2022.

Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe (2021-2027) is the EU’s funding programme for research and innovation. The 2022 single stage calls are open until 21 April 2022. Details of these calls are available on the Funding and Tenders Portal Search Funding & Tenders (

Examples of calls are:

Personalised blueprint of chronic inflammation in health-to-disease transition, Better financing models for health systems, Innovative tools for use and re-use of health data (in particular of electronic health records and/or patient registries), Non-communicable diseases risk reduction in adolescence and youth for chronic diseases, Setting up a European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format and Optimising effectiveness in patients of existing prescription drugs for major disease (except cancer) with the use of biomarkers to highlight a few. 

The Work Programme is available here in PDF.

For queries, please contact the Health NCP at the HRB, Kay Duggan-Walls,

An online information event was held on 28 October on the 2022 calls and the recordings are available here.

Recordings from the webinar on 2022 calls held on 09 December 2021 are available here.

Results of the 2021 calls are now available.

Cancer Mission

EU Missions are an additional part of the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme for 2021-2027 aiming to address some of the greatest challenges facing our society.  An online information event was held on 18 January 2022 on the Cancer Mission and the 2021 calls and the recording is available here EU Missions info days | European Commission (

Calls close on 26 April 2022 and details of the calls are available on the Funding and Tenders Portal Search Funding & Tenders ( 

The calls are:

1. Better understanding of the impact of risk factors and health determinants on the development and progression of cancer.

2. Develop new methods and technologies for cancer screening and early detection. 

3. Develop and validate a set of quality of life and patient preference measures for cancer patients and survivors.

Save the date: Health NCPs are organising a webinar on Cancer Research Funding in European Programmes on Tuesday 1st March 2022.

To register please click here European Funding for Cancer Research Tickets, Tue 1 Mar 2022 at 10:00 | Eventbrite

US-Ireland Research and Development Partnership Programme

This is a rolling call. Check the scheme notice for full details.

JPI a Health diet for a healthy life Joint Transnational Call (2022)

The Joint transnational call on “Nutrition-responsiveness of the immune system: interplay between infectious diseases and diet-related metabolic diseases and the potential for food-based solutions” launched on 15 February 2022 with a submission deadline of 21 April 2022. For more details visit here.

Upcoming Calls 

Post-doctoral Internship Programme

The round 2 of the Postdoctoral Internship Programme is due to launch on 01 April 2022 in order to award up to four interns starting in early June. There are two key changes to the programme so please read carefully the guidance notes and more information can be found here.


The Health Research Board, in collaboration with the Irish research Council (IRC) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and co-funded by the European Union, is working towards the forthcoming launch of the DOROTHY COFUND programme. Fellowships will have an international outgoing phase of 18 months, followed by a return phase to Ireland of 18 months. DOROTHY is open to applicants from all nationalities are Experienced Researcher (ER), provided they haven’t resided in the outgoing phase country for more than 12 months in the three years immediately before the call deadline. It is open to all disciplines, provided that their research topic relates to public health crises. The call launch has been postponed to early 2022 and will be managed by IRC. Please see here for further information.


The 2022 EU4Health work programme was published on the 14 January and outlines the full spectrum of actions to be funded under the programme in 2022. The first wave of calls for action grants are due to be launched in Q1 (date to be confirmed).  

These include the following:  

  • Call for proposals on prevention of NCDs – cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other NCDs
  • Call for proposals on promoting mental health
  • Call for proposals to monitor and strengthen the implementation of innovative approaches to prostate, lung and gastric cancer screening at Union level
  • Call for proposals to provide training for health workforce, including digital skills
  • Call for proposals to support increased capacity of notified bodies for medical devices