Grant updates – February 2020
What's happening in your application and what calls are coming down the tracks ...
3 min read - 28 Feb 2020
Applications in process
Research Leader Awards 2020
The HRB Board approved five awards following the recommendations of the International Panel.
Emerging Clinician Scientist Awards 2020
The HRB Board approved five awards following the recommendation of the International Panel.
NCI Summer Curriculum in Cancer Prevention 2020
The NCI has just cancelled its 2020 summer curriculum courses on cancer prevention. In their statement to us the NCI said … To respond to evolving training needs in the area of cancer prevention, this course will be “under construction” until further notice, with the expectation of updating aspects of the design, content, learning objectives, and delivery modes for diverse audiences.
As a consequence, HRB offer to support travel and subsistence costs during the course is no longer valid.
Clinical Trial Networks (CTN) 2020 – Pre-call Announcement
The opening date for the Clinical Trial Networks funding scheme has been delayed slightly in order to align with current HRB funding schemes. Subject to HRB Board approval, this call will now open for applications on 1 April 2020 with a deadline for applications of 10 June 2020. The call will focus on supporting network activities of a number of established clinical trial networks in Ireland. Please see full details and draft principles on the HRB website.
Definitive Interventions and Feasibility Awards (DIFA) 2020
Applicants will be notified in late March of the outcome of the pre-application Panel meeting. For those successful, the closing date for submission of DIFA full applications will be 18 June 2020.
Postdoctoral Fellowships 2020 Applying Research into Policy and Practice (ARPP) 2020
16 submitted applications are currently undergoing international peer-review. The HRB will notify the outcome of shortlisting process in mid-April and the panel interview will be held on 20 and 21 of May 2020.
Clinician Scientist Postdoctoral Fellowships 2020 (CSF) 2020
15 submitted applications are currently undergoing international peer-review. The HRB will notify the outcome of shortlisting of shortlisting in mid-April and the panel interview will be held on 27 and 28 of May 2020.
Summer Student Scholarship 2020
114 applications were received in January, eligibility is now complete and eligible applications will be reviewed by an international virtual panel. The HRB will notify applicants in early April 2020.
Fulbright-HRB HealthImpact Awards 2020
The call is managed by Fulbright Commission Ireland. The Commission will notify candidates directly.
HRB Internship Programme
Three new interns will start in early March 2020.
Open calls
HRCI/HRB Joint Funding Scheme 2020 (Previously MRCG-HRB)
Closing dates vary. Check the overall scheme information on the HRB website and then with individual charities for their specific closing date.
SFI-HRB-Wellcome Biomedical Research Partnership
This is a rolling call. Check the scheme information for full details.
US-Ireland Research and Development Partnership Programme
This is a rolling call with intention to submit ten weeks in advance of the full proposal deadline at National Institutes for Health.
European calls
The closing date for this call is 3 March 2020.
The closing date is 5 March 2020.
The closing date for this call is 3 April 2020.
The closing date for this call is 7 April 2020.
3 min read - 28 Feb 2020