Applying Research into Policy & Practice Postdoctoral Fellowship (ARPP) 2018

There were 30 applications in total with 29 deemed eligible. 13 were in the In-practice arm and 16 were in the Academic arm. These will be sent for international peer-review. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to interview on 11 and 12 September 2018 with final Board approval of the interview panel recommendations at the end of September 2018.

Emerging Investigator Awards for Health (EIA) 2018

The EIA 2019 round will be launched in late May 2018. The HRB expects to make between 6 and 8 awards in this round. A workshop for perspective applicants and research offices representatives will be organised around that time.

The overarching aim of the HRB Emerging Investigator Awards for Health is to create a cohort of new and talented independent investigators by facilitating and supporting the transition of these individuals from mid-stage researchers to independent and self-direct health researchers in the Republic of Ireland.

Summer Student Scholarship (SS) 2018

The HRB Board approved 65 scholarships out of 143 eligible applications following the international peer-review panel process. The applicants and Host institutions have now been notified. The students will start their scholarship in June 2018.